Turn in Firearms
Do not bring firearms into the police station!
If you wish to surrender one or more firearms to police for safe disposal, contact us at 705-497-5589 to make arrangements. When you arrive at the station, leave your firearm(s) secured inside your locked vehicle and speak to the Platoon Resource Officer at the front counter.
If you are making arrangements for the surrender of a non-restricted firearm you will be asked to sign a Quit Claim form giving authorization for the destruction of the firearm.
Restricted or prohibited firearms may not be transported without a Permit to Transport. If you do not have a permit please contact 705-497-5589 to arrange a pick-up of the firearm(s) by an officer.
RCMP Canadian Firearms Program
Please call the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's Canadian Firearms Program at 1-800-731-4000 to:
- Report a change of address (within the compulsory 30 days of relocating).
- Apply for a PAL / POL license.
- Transfer firearm(s) to a properly licensed individual.
- Sell firearm(s) according to guidelines and complete the transfer.