File a Complaint
We take all complaints seriously.
Our objective is to resolve the issue. Members of the public who have concerns about the conduct of a North Bay Police Service officer, or about a policy or service, are asked to address their complaint to the Officer-in-Charge by telephone at 705-497-5555 or in person at police headquarters at 135 Princess Street West, North Bay.
Submitting a New Complaint to the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA) (Formerly OIPRD)
The Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA) deals with complaints about the conduct of police officers including the Chief of Police and Deputy Chief.
Please note that the information when submitted on a complaint form may be sent to the Chief of Police, the North Bay Police Service’s Quality Assurance Officer, as well as the subject officer(s) of the North Bay Police Service and used for the purposes of administering the Community Safety and Policing Act and Regulations.
If you have questions about filling out the form or about the complaints process, visit their website at: www.leca.ca or call LECA at: 1-877-411-4773 or 416-246-7071.
If you require accommodation, kindly submit your complaint first and ensure to include the complaint number when making the accommodation request. If you need accommodation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), please complete the Accommodation Request Form. If you cannot complete the form, please call the number above or email [email protected]
Official Complaints - Chief, Deputy Chief or Officers
To file a complaint about the Chief, Deputy Chief or other officers please click here: https://leca.ca/
Official Complaints - Special Constables
It is the responsibility of the North Bay Police Service Board to establish a process for conduct complaints that are made of all Special Constables employed by the North Bay Police Service.
The Board is also responsible to publish notice on the Internet informing the public on how to make a complaint in relation to Special Constables.
Those persons wishing to make a complaint about a Special Constable are encouraged to review the Police Service Board policy on complaints against Special Constables by clicking here: by-law-009-complaints-about-special-constables.pdf
To fill out the "Complaint Against a Special Constable" form, download the Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF version below and submit electronically to [email protected] or print and mail/deliver in person to the North Bay Police Service. These forms are also available at the North Bay Police Service Headquarters.
Microsoft Word version: complaint-about-special-constables-form-2024.docx
Adobe PDF version: special-constable-complaints-form.pdf
How to Make a Complaint About the North Bay Police Service Board or Board Member
Description of the Inspector General and Inspectorate of Policing and How to Make Public Complaints
The Inspector General of Policing is a new policing oversight body under Ontario’s Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA). The Inspector General is responsible for ensuring policing is delivered adequately and effectively across Ontario and that police board members are complying with the Code of Conduct. The Inspector General exercises independent compliance oversight focused on ensuring police services, police service boards and board members, and special constable employers are complying with requirements under the CSPA for policing and police governance. The Inspector General of Policing is supported by the Inspectorate of Policing, a new organization comprised of professionals that are dedicated to driving improved performance in Ontario policing and police governance.
Members of the public can file complaints with the Inspector General concerning adequate and effective police service delivery, or allegations of police board member misconduct through their website: www.iopontario.ca
Under Ontario’s new Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA), the Inspector General of Policing is responsible for:
- Responding to public complaints, which can be filed at www.iopontario.ca, concerning adequate and effective police service delivery and allegations of police service board member misconduct;
- Examining the performance of police service and boards through independent inspections, investigations, monitoring and advising;
- Identifying effective performance and, where improvements are needed, using enforcement tools, including issuing directions and imposing measures to ensure compliance with the CSPA and its regulations;
- Imposing measures to ensure the provision of adequate and effective policing or in cases of a policing emergency;
- Conducting data analysis and research to promote evidence-based actions and improvements; and,
- Publicly reporting on the activities of the Inspector General, including publishing all inspection reports and an annual report.
You can file a complaint about the North Bay Police Service Board or its Board Members with the Inspectorate of Policing.
416-314-4130 or 1-888-333-5078
LECA's (Formerly OIPRD) Contact Information
Website: www.leca.ca
Email: [email protected]
Law Enforcement Complaints Agency
655 Bay Street, 10th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2T4
Toll-free phone: 1-877-411-4773
Local phone: 416-246-7071
TTY: 1-877-414-4773
Toll-free fax: 1-877-415-4773
Local Fax: 416-327-8332
About the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA)
The Office of the Independent Police Review Director (OIPRD) opened on October 19, 2009. The agency changed it's name to Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA), in 2023. It remains an arms-length agency of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, staffed entirely by civilians.
LECA's goal is to provide an objective, impartial office to accept, process and oversee the investigation of public complaints against Ontario's police.
LECA's oversight role begins with the receipt of a public complaint and continues to the end of the investigation. The Chiefs of Police are still responsible for discipline of police officers and holding disciplinary hearings.
LECA will work to identify and offer solutions to systemic or ongoing issues within the police service.