Board Policies
AI - 001 Framework for Business Planning: ai---001-framework-for-business-planning.pdf
AI - 002 Skills, Development and Learning: ai---002-skills--development-and-learning.pdf
AI - 003 Equal Opportunity Discrimination and Workplace Violence: ai---003-equal-opportunity-discrimination-and-workplace-violence.pdf
AI - 004 Communicable Diseases: ai---004-communicable-diseases.pdf
AI - 005 Use of Auxiliaries: ai---005-use-of-auxiliaries.pdf
AI - 006 Use of Volunteers: ai---006-use-of-volunteers.pdf
AI - 007 Management of Police Records: ai---007-management-of-police-records.pdf
AI - 008 Marked General Patrol Vehicles: ai---008-marked-general-patrol-vehicles.pdf
AI - 009 Safe Storage of Police Service Firearms: ai---009-safe-storage-of-police-service-firearms.pdf
AI - 010 Police Uniforms: ai---010-police-uniforms.pdf
AI - 011 Annual Reporting: ai---011-annual-reporting.pdf
AI - 012 Use of Force and Weapons: ai---012-use-of-force-and-weapons.pdf
AI - 013 Speed Measuring Devices: ai---013-speed-measuring-devices.pdf
AI - 014 Secure Holster: ai---014-secure-holster.pdf
AI - 015 Equipment - Body Armour: ai---015-equipment---body-armour.pdf
AI - 016 Workplace Violence Prevention: ai---016-workplace-violence-prevention.pdf
AI - 017 Special Constable Uniforms: ai---017-special-constable-uniforms.pdf
AI – NBPS - 004 Policy Name Provisions of Training to External Agencies: ai--nbps---004-policy-name-provisions-of-training-to-external-agencies.pdf
AI - NBPS - 045 Code of Conduct Special Constables: ai---nbps---045-code-of-conduct-special-constables.pdf
AI - NBPS - 048 Duty to Intervene and Report Without Fear of Reprisal: ai---nbps---048-duty-to-intervene-and-report-without-fear-of-reprisal.pdf
AI - NBPS - 049 Electronic Monitoring: ai---nbps---049-electronic-monitoring.pdf
CP - 001 Problem Oriented Policing: cp---001-problem-oriented-policing.pdf
CP - 002 Crime Prevention: cp---002-crime-prevention.pdf
ER - 002 Tactical Units: er---002-tactical-units.pdf
ER - 003 Hostage Rescue: er---003-hostage-rescue.pdf
ER - 004 Major Incident Command: er---004-major-incident-command.pdf
ER - 005 Crisis Negotiation: er---005-crisis-negotiation.pdf
ER - 006 Explosives: er---006-explosives.pdf
ER - 007 Ground Search for Lost or Missing Persons: er---007-ground-search-for-lost-or-missing-persons.pdf
ER - 008 Emergency Planning: er---008-emergency-planning.pdf
ER - 009 Underwater Search and Rescue: er---009-underwater-search-and-rescue.pdf
ER - 010 Active Attacker Incidents: er---010-active-attacker-incidents.pdf
ER - 011 Canine Units: er---011-canine-units.pdf
ER - 012 Extreme Incident Response Plan: er---012-extreme-incident-response-plan.pdf
HR – NBPS – 002 Recruitment and Selection: hr--nbps--002-recruitment-and-selection.pdf
HR - NBPS-011 Participation Educational Subsidies to Service Members: hr---nbps-011-participation-educational-subsidies-to-service-members.pdf
LE - 001 Community Patrol: le---001-community-patrol.pdf
LE - 002 Communications and Dispatch: le---002-communications-and-dispatch.pdf
LE - 003 Crime, Call and Public Disorder Analysis: le---003-crime--call-and-public-disorder-analysis.pdf
LE - 004 Criminal Intelligence: le---004-criminal-intelligence.pdf
LE - 005 Arrest: le---005-arrest.pdf
LE - 006 Criminal Investigation Management & Procedures: le---006-criminal-investigation-management---procedures.pdf
LE - 007 Hate Bias Motivated Crime: le---007-hate-bias-motivated-crime.pdf
LE - 008 Hate Propaganda: le---008-hate-propaganda.pdf
LE - 009 Joint Forces Operation: le---009-joint-forces-operation.pdf
LE - 010 Internal Task Force: le---010-internal-task-force.pdf
LE - 011 Search of Premises: le---011-search-of-premises.pdf
LE - 012 Search of Persons: le---012-search-of-persons.pdf
LE - 013 Police Response to Persons who are Emotionally Disturbed, Have Mental Illness or Development Disability: le---013-police-response-to-persons-who-are-emotionally-disturbed--have-mental-illness-or-development-disability.pdf
LE - 014 Court Security: le---014-court-security.pdf
LE - 015 Paid Informants and Agents: le---015-paid-informants-and-agents.pdf
LE - 016 Detainee Care and Control: le---016-detainee-care-and-control.pdf
LE - 017 Traffic Management and Enforcement and Road Safety: le---017-traffic-management-and-enforcement-and-road-safety.pdf
LE - 018 Witness Protection: le---018-witness-protection.pdf
LE - 019 Stolen or Smuggled Firearms: le---019-stolen-or-smuggled-firearms.pdf
LE - 020 Collection, Preservation and Control of Evidence and Property: le---020-collection--preservation-and-control-of-evidence-and-property.pdf
LE - 021 Elder Vulnerable Adult Abuse: le---021-elder-vulnerable-adult-abuse.pdf
LE - 022 Officer Note Taking: le---022-officer-note-taking.pdf
LE - 023 Bail and Violent Crime: le---023-bail-and-violent-crime.pdf
LE - 024 Domestic Violence: le---024-domestic-violence.pdf
LE - 025 Supervision: le---025-supervision.pdf
LE - 026 Missing Persons: le---026-missing-persons.pdf
LE - 027 Child Abuse and Neglect: le---027-child-abuse-and-neglect.pdf
LE - 028 Criminal Harassment: le---028-criminal-harassment.pdf
LE - 029 Preventing or Responding to Occurrences Involving Firearms: le---029-preventing-or-responding-to-occurrences-involving-firearms.pdf
LE - 030 Property Offences: le---030-property-offences.pdf
LE - 031 Drug Investigations: le---031-drug-investigations.pdf
LE - 032 Illegal Gambling: le---032-illegal-gambling.pdf
LE - 033 Detainee Transportation: le---033-detainee-transportation.pdf
LE - 034 Sexual Assault Investigation: le---034-sexual-assault-investigation.pdf
LE - 035 Waterways Policing: le---035-waterways-policing.pdf
LE - 036 Child Pornography: le---036-child-pornography.pdf
LE - 037 Sudden Death and Found Human Remains: le---037-sudden-death-and-found-human-remains.pdf
LE - 038 Fraud and False Pretences Investigation: le---038-fraud-and-false-pretences-investigation.pdf
LE - 039 Homicide Investigations: le---039-homicide-investigations.pdf
LE - 040 Parental and Non-parental Abductions and Attempts: le---040-parental-and-non-parental-abductions-and-attempts.pdf
LE - 041 Proceeds of Crime: le---041-proceeds-of-crime.pdf
LE - 042 Robbery: le---042-robbery.pdf
LE - 043 Vehicle Theft: le---043-vehicle-theft.pdf
LE - 044 Youth Crime: le---044-youth-crime.pdf
LE - 045 Vehicle Pursuits: le---045-vehicle-pursuits.pdf
LE - 046 Sex Offender Registry: le---046-sex-offender-registry.pdf
LE - 047 Police Response to High-Risk Individuals: le---047-police-response-to-high-risk-individuals.pdf
LE - 048 Collection of Identifying in Certain Circumstances – Street Checks: le---048-collection-of-identifying-in-certain-circumstances--street-checks.pdf
LE - 049 Major Case Management and Approved Software: le---049-major-case-management-and-approved-software.pdf
LE - 050 Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System (ViClas) : le---050-viclas-(003).pdf
P O - 001 Public Order Units: p-o---001-public-order-units.pdf
P O - 002 Police Action at Labour Disputes:p-o---002-police-action-at-labour-disputes.pdf
P O - 003 Policing Aboriginal Occupations and Protests: p-o---003-policing-aboriginal-occupations-and-protests.pdf
VA - 001 Victims Assistance: va---001-victims-assistance.pdf