Record Checks
Police record checks can be completed online or submitted in person. In order to process the record check, you will be required to produce two pieces of valid government issued identification. The identification must confirm your name, date of birth and address, and one piece of identification must have a photo. We accept driver's licence, birth certificate, citizenship card, passport, age of majority, Military Identification, Indian Status card, student identity card from a Canadian institute, etc. Applicants must be a resident of North Bay and shall provide proof of North Bay residency.
Request a police report
The most common types of reports that are General Occurrence Reports, Police Officers Notebooks, Witness Statements, and Motor Vehicle Accident Reports.
Claim Property
All property held by the North Bay Police Service that has been seized by the police or held as evidence cannot be released unless written authorization from the Investigating Officer is on file.
Hire a police officer
You can hire an off-duty police officer (what we call a “paid duty” assignment) to provide security at a special event, for traffic control, or to escort a wide load or other special requests.
Turn in firearms
Do NOT bring firearms into the police station. If you wish to surrender one or more firearms to police for safe disposal, contact us at 705-497-5589 to make arrangements. For in-person assistance at police headquarters, leave your firearm(s) secured inside your locked vehicle and speak to the Platoon Resource Officer at the front counter.
Vulnerable Persons Registry
This online registry is voluntary and provides the North Bay Police Service with direct access to critical information about a vulnerable person in the event of an emergency. Registrants may be living with autism, with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, with an acquired brain injury or an intellectual disability. As well as emergency contact information, the registry captures full descriptions of the individuals and includes their routines, favorite attractions, method of communication and other special needs. This information will be stored in our secure records management system, which is accessible to other police services across the country.