Hire a Police Officer
Paid Duty is a service provided by and authorized by the North Bay Police Service.
A paid duty officer is a member of the North Bay Police Service who is off-duty and who is paid by person(s) requesting a specific service, such as:
- Traffic control
- Security at dances, concerts, festivals, sporting events or other special events
- Wide load escorts and other escorts
- Patrol
- Paid duties are for a minimum of 3 hours.
- Cancellation notice of less than 24 hours shall result in billing for 3 hours. (see form for cancellation instructions)
- Any partial hour worked that is equal to 15 minutes or more will be charged at the rate of a full hour.
- Police vehicles are available upon request. The hourly rate for the use of a police vehicle is $35.00 plus HST.
- Paid duties in excess of 16 hours require a CERTIFIED cheque with the agreement before agreement will be accepted.
How to request a paid duty service
To request an officer for paid duty, complete the Paid Duty Request Form, subject to the date of your event.
Effective January 1, 2024: Paid Duty Request Form
Where to send completed forms
The signed form may be:
- faxed to 705-497-5599;
- emailed to [email protected]; or
- delivered in person to the North Bay Police Service’s Traffic Office at 135 Princess Street West, North Bay.
Telephone Inquiries:
Contact our Traffic Unit at 705-497-5555 (option 3) between 8
a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday (except statutory holidays).